T-Rex: There was a time in my life when it was important to me to be seen as smart.
T-Rex: That time is now. Also:
T-Rex: That time begins in the forgotten past continues to the present and into the unseen future!
T-Rex: But when I was a kid, I thought "being smart" meant knowing everything, so I would try to talk about things I didn't actually know and get it wrong.
Dromiceiomimus: And then you heard that the smartest people actually ADMIT when they don't know something and ask a bunch of questions?
T-Rex: Exactly! What a relief!
Utahraptor: So does it work? Do people still think you're smart now that you ask questions all the time?
T-Rex: Dunno!
T-Rex: But I FEEL smarter, because rather than having to remember which people I've misled and which topics I need to learn before I see 'em again, I get to be just this curious guy going through the world and sharing what I find - AFTER, of course, I learn about 'em! And if that isn't intelligence, what is??
Off panel: On Twitter yesterday, you posted "The first line of 'U Can't Touch This' is MC Hammer singing about how his own music gives him boners. Are musicians just like that??"
T-Rex: I stand by my words