T-Rex: Do you know there's HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS on being an astronaut? There ARE!
T-Rex: And I exceed 'em!!
T-Rex: I can NEVER be an astronaut!!
Dromiceiomimus: Aw, I'm sorry T-Rex. I know size is expensive in space (and in getting to space) so there's very real reasons why they'd put a ceiling on height, but I also know how much you'd love to be an astronaut. It's not fair, friend.
T-Rex: You kidding me? This is GREAT news!
Utahraptor: I'm gonna need you to connect the dots for me on that one.
T-Rex: Happily!
T-Rex: I've always WANTED to be an astronaut, and WITHOUT this height limit, I simply let my dream die by never once working towards it, even a little. But WITH it, I never had a hope! I'm an innocent victim of CIRCUMSTANCE, genetically cursed by my rockin' bod to remain forever earthbound. I'm SYMPATHETIC!
T-Rex: Yes, it's hard being hot n' sexy 24/7, but knowing I'm literally TOO SEXY FOR SPACE? It helps, Utahraptor.
Off panel: I mean, there's more to being sexy than simply being tal--