T-Rex: Okay so you know how in the past you just went to the dentist but now some of them are fancy and let you watch Ceiling TV while you're there?
T-Rex: When you're expecting kids and sign up at a hospital to give birth later, now some ask what MUSIC you want to listen to! YOU CAN CHOOSE YOUR BIRTH PLAYLIST.
Dromiceiomimus: Oh my god.
T-Rex: Right? Many songs are bangers, but which song is BANGER ENOUGH to GIVE BIRTH TO??
Utahraptor: Baby's first song! Welcome to the world, here's the sickest beat we've mustered so far!
T-Rex: Exactly!
T-Rex: I have no idea what I'd choose for MY first song, and I don't even HAVE to give birth.
Utahraptor: Get to.
T-Rex: Either one! Anyway, luckily it's something WE'LL never have to worry about.
Off panel: Because even if we were female, laying eggs honestly isn't that big a deal, and I don't know anyone who goes to the hospital for it!
T-Rex: Hah hah hah! For us, birth is a relative non-event!
T-Rex: Woooo