T-Rex: Inside my body, cells are dying and are being replaced on the regular!
T-Rex: It's honestly no big deal for me!
T-Rex: And that means that there's parts of my body that are younger than I am. Like, all the fat in my body is around 8 years old AT MOST!
Dromiceiomimus: Nice!
T-Rex: Yes, it is nice!
Utahraptor: And the oldest cells are brain cells, yeah?
T-Rex: That's correct!
T-Rex: There's cells in my brain that'll last for as long as I do. That's assuming I'm mortal, of course, and THAT little assumption can only be "confirmed" in the event of my death, though of course there's tons of ways an immortal being could EASILY fake any number of --
T-Rex: I've said too much