T-Rex: MY Olympic opinion is that they should have one regular person in each event, so we can see how much better these athletes are than the rest of us!
T-Rex: That's MY hot take, ladies!!
Dromiceiomimus: T-Rex, this take goes around every time the Olympics do.
T-Rex: Okay, okay, uh - how about THIS opinion? The HORSES who compete in equestrian events should get the medals too!
Dromiceiomimus: Also a stone-cold bog-standard opinion, thawed out every two to four years.
T-Rex: Dang it!
Utahraptor: What's up?
T-Rex: I have a cool idea and it turns out some OTHER jabroni already had it! I can be a clever guy in a group of three, SURE, but now we all have access to opinions from around the world! I can't COMPETE in this global marketplace of takes!!
Off panel: Hmm, I see ".o0 DEMONBONER-69 0o." said the same thing on Twitter 6 years ago.
T-Rex: AGAIN?!
T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: He truly was the best of us