T-Rex: You know Oscar Wilde's "He's at the border and is asked if he has anything to declare so he says 'I have nothing to declare except my genius'" zinger?
T-Rex: I'm RELATIVELY CERTAIN I could've come up with that myself.
T-Rex: It's a softball pitch, a gimmie! The set-up is perfect, and it's practically a GARDEN PATH towards that punchline.
Dromiceiomimus: You're jealous?
T-Rex: No, it's just LOW-HANGING FRUIT, and Oscar just happened to get there first!
Utahraptor: Then I've got some good news, friend!
T-Rex: Oh?
Utahraptor: Wilde probably never actually said it, making his most famous "quotation" merely a chuckleprompt someone else made up and ATTRIBUTED to him - probably because he had such a reputation for quips.
T-Rex: Hah! I knew it!! I KNEW IT.
T-Rex: Utahraptor!!
Off panel: Yes?
T-Rex: After I die, please tell people I said something way more cutting and insightful than "I knew it" in response to your most recent sentence; thanks bud