T-Rex: A clever trick for passwords is to not store them in your BRAIN...
T-Rex: ...but to store them in your BOOKSHELF!
T-Rex: A good password is long and varied and unrelated to you personally, but that can make them hard to memorize! But with books all I need to do is memorize "whatever it says on the top of THIS page in THIS book" and HEY PRESTO: I've got a password that can be a paragraph or any other length I care to type, and it takes a small and fixed amount of space in my brain!
Utahraptor: That's actually pretty clever!
T-Rex: Thank you!
Utahraptor: And it also paints such a classy image: you type a url, step up from your desk, and browse your personal library until you select the perfect book pairing to go with that website like some kind of password sommelier.
T-Rex: Aww, thanks! I appreciate it, and I can assure you that I am indeed EXTREMELY classy.
Narrator: YEARS LATER:
T-Rex: Hello, yes, do you have the fourth hardcover printing of Slaughterhouse-Five from 1969?
Off panel: Why that particular edition?
T-Rex: Because I'm a COLLECTOR, and a CONNOISSEUR, and also I'd like to check in on my NEOPETS