T-Rex: STRANGE BUT TRUE: The Earth is one of the only planets in the universe large enough to be visible, to the naked eye, from the International Space Station!!
Narrator: space edition
T-Rex: The universe is mostly empty space, and yet EVERY single hoarder's house that's just crammed full of junk exists inside... THAT VERY SAME UNIVERSE!!
Dromiceiomimus: To me, this sounds strange!
T-Rex: And yet it's TRUE!
Utahraptor: Unbelievably, the Earth can be spotted from almost EVERYWHERE on Earth!
T-Rex: Strange... but TRUE!
Utahraptor: ALSO STRANGE, SIMILARLY TRUE: despite there being literally dozens of asteroids in the universe, NOT ONE of them has ever landed in such a way that it spanked a guy you hate right on his bum-bum - and YET, that DOESN'T mean it's impossible, and IT COULD STILL HAPPEN TODAY!!
T-Rex: Man! For real, that would...
T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: ...that would be SO satisfying