T-Rex: My life is fun and interesting! For example, I have recently purchased a fruit (maybe it's a vegetable?) I have no idea how to eat!
T-Rex: (Aside: are there things that're somehow fruit AND vegetable??)
T-Rex: It's definitely not meat. It has a hard shell. I got it at the market by mistake, so its name must sound a little like "two apples please". Do I... cook it?
Dromiceiomimus: Maybe you eat it raw?
T-Rex: Maybe in, like, I don't know... slices?? Salt? Do I eat the insides or the outsides? What if it's just the seeds are good??
Utahraptor: What if you hate the taste?
T-Rex: Heck, what if I love it?!
T-Rex: I can't rely on the same misunderstanding to get me the same fruit (vegetable??) EVER again. If I love it, it's nothing more than a LIFETIME of eating different, lesser, unfamiliar produce, forever chasing that original high I got decades ago, knowing I'll probably never have it again.
T-Rex: It's like DRUGS but NERDIER, which, if we had been forced to predict an ending for my fun and interesting life, would've been at least a top 10 finalist, easy??