T-Rex: Theory: all heroes can be seen simply as variations on Batman. For example, Superman! That's just Batman with all the superpowers instead of no powers, and instead of no parents, FOUR parents!!
T-Rex: Oh, you want MORE PROOF?
T-Rex: Daredevil: Batman without the money. BAM!
Dromiceiomimus: Um... Green Lantern.
T-Rex: Batman with one superpower, and it's fueled by WILLPOWER, which - come on. That's Batman right there.
Dromiceiomimus: Spider-Man.
T-Rex: Teen Batman with less money, more radioactive spiders, and equal parent or at least uncle based guilt.
Utahraptor: Now do Mr. Fantastic!
T-Rex: Stretchy Batman, equal riches, sliiiightly more arrogant.
Utahraptor: Now do, uh... how about Donatello?
T-Rex: Turtle Batman, more pizza and skateboarding and doing machines, equal thirst for justice, and what is the Turtle Wagon but a party Batmobile on a budget?
Utahraptor: I concede! Every hero truly is just a version of Batman!!
T-Rex: Did you know that before the 1939 discovery of Batman, scholars theorized about a hypothetical future hero they called "Q-Source": the missing piece at the centre of heroism that would make all other heroes finally make sense?