T-Rex: History is contentious! People disagree about who said what and what happened when. But we have invented the technology to change that!
T-Rex: THANKS, pervasive surveillance!!
T-Rex: With cameras and mics everywhere and recording everything, history will be an open book! Future generations will say "it's so great everyone's cell phone was secretly recording all the time and nobody found out until 2103."
Dromiceiomimus: Thanks, pervasive surveillance!
T-Rex: Took the words right out of my mouth!!
Utahraptor: But there'd be too MUCH data to ever read!
T-Rex: THAT'S why we invented computers!
T-Rex: ALGORITHMS will do it for us!
Utahraptor: Where are you from, the past? Any algorithm can incorporate our biases, whether intentional or not! Social, personal, political - there's no objective truth OR history and the past will always be a foreign country!
T-Rex: We'll see about THAT!
Off panel: Uh, I'm pretty sure they didn't step on houses and debate philosophy.
Off panel: LIES