T-Rex: It turns out there's lots of ILLEGAL BOOKS you can read! All it takes is for one state authority to ban the book and HEY BABY, you're in BUSINESS!
T-Rex: But then a lot of these banned books... aren't actually that interesting?
T-Rex: AS AN EXAMPLE, in Iran any book that "defends monarchy" is banned, but there are some EXTREMELY dull books defending monarchy. Some of them are, I dare say, the KING of dull books??
Dromiceiomimus: Maybe that's on purpose?
T-Rex: I hope I never find out??
Utahraptor: Yeah, and there's tons of NONbanned books that are bad too.
T-Rex: Wait. Are books... bad??
Utahraptor: Nope! There's tons of bad movies, plays, songs, rap battles - really any form of free expression is gonna have lots and lots of bad entries in it! And as everyone's idea of bad varies, everything could be bad to someone; THEREFORE, we are ALL coated in a thick slurry of subjective badness.
T-Rex: Aw man! The phrase "coated in a thick slurry of subjective badness" is itself bad, and now I need to identify and destroy the neuron in my brain that remembers it, or I shall never know peace again!
T-Rex: MAN!!
T-Rex: I had PLANS for today