T-Rex: It is a fact that we don't know everything and probably never will! Therefore, part of being alive is agreeing on what we believe to be real.
T-Rex: This is called the "consensus reality!"
T-Rex: Among our consensuses are things we believe but can't objectively prove, like "murders are bad so don't do any, not even if you'd really like to" and "cannibalism is bad too but maybe you can do it sometimes if things are SUPER crazy, but definitely wait at least a little bit before you start digging in." It's a SOCIALLY-CONSTRUCTED reality!!
Utahraptor: Yeah, but there's never just one consensus!
T-Rex: There's not?
Utahraptor: In a religious society everyone's living in a very different reality than an atheist one, but both are agreed to be real by members of those societies. So there's no one consensus reality, but by changing your beliefs, you CAN move between them!
T-Rex: That's great, because in MY reality, I can hear God, but lately he's big into 90s nostalgia and so mostly just talks about that.
T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: I am open to trading up