T-Rex: My latest scifi epic is about a robot who breaks her programming and escapes her factory, only to get her wheels caught in the vast field of grains that surround it... where she spends a century considering her fate! I call it...
T-Rex: ...The Catcher In The Rye!
Dromiceiomimus: That, uh - that name is definitely taken, T-Rex.
T-Rex: No, I looked it up and there's no Katherine T. Rye in the phone book, so -
Dromiceiomimus: Not by a person! By a preexisting story! It's quite famous, actually.
T-Rex: Well looks like MINE will be the second story with that name!
Utahraptor: I don't think so!
Utahraptor: I think my boy Salinger has taken that name for all time.
T-Rex: Eugh, FINE. J.D. can have that name, and I'll give MY story a different and arguably better name! How about... "I, Robot"?
Utahraptor: Also taken.
T-Rex: "One Hundred Years Of Solitude".
Off panel: Taken.
T-Rex: "As I Lay Dying".
Off panel: Taken!
T-Rex: "198-4", after her serial number?
Off panel: ...I'm having real trouble believing you're not doing this on purpose