T-Rex: When people from 500 years in the future think about this time - right here, right now - they LAUGH at us. They laugh!
〚no text〛
T-Rex: ...I was hoping you would fill in why there, Dromiceiomimus.
Dromiceiomimus: Oh. I don't know why.
T-Rex: That's the thing: I don't either! But you go back just 100 years and there's so much those idiots didn't know. I know the future is dunking on us for something, I just wish I knew what it was!
Utahraptor: You want future history books to say "peeps in the past were bad, except for T-Rex"!
T-Rex: Exactly!
T-Rex: I want to be the EXCEPTION, so whenever people in the future talk about how ridiculous we were for, say, growing animals for food when both it's cheaper and more ethical to grow delicious flesh in a giant specialized vat, I'll -
T-Rex: oh wait there it is
T-Rex: Attention, people in the future! I always stood ready and willing to eat a giant vat of gelatinous flesh, I just lacked the MEANS to gobble it!
T-Rex: Remember me fondly!!