T-Rex: Let's imagine you die! And to make that idea SOMEWHAT palatable, let's imagine everyone else dies too!
T-Rex: If that doesn't make you feel better, too late! We already imagined it!!
T-Rex: Now let's FURTHER imagine that after we're all gone other animals evolve, and they find some of our fossilized bones, and they put them together to recreate what we looked like. What are they odds they'd get it right? They'd probably imagine all SORTS of crazy things, like, oh I don't know...
Dromiceiomimus: A backup brain in your tail!
T-Rex: Hah! PERFECT.
Utahraptor: Maybe they'd get your posture all wrong!
T-Rex: But you can't blame them: a pile of bones COULD go together a lot of different ways. It's sad, though, that the future world may never know the true beauty of my incredibly attractive bone arrangement, let alone the true beauty of my fluorescent lime-green skin.
T-Rex and Utahraptor: *sigh*
T-Rex: Like for example I could totally see them reassembling my bones with straight legs instead of this weird "knees pointing inwards" thing I've got going on, which looks uncomfortable but which, I ASSURE YOU, is actually super great