T-Rex: If there were a soundtrack to my life, what would it sound like I wonder?
T-Rex: Imagine if it had vocals! And a drum solo!
〚sheet music in the background〛
Lyrics: …-SA… have got to think this through …
Lyrics: …-SAU…he Utahraptor says he slept wit…
T-Rex: It'd be awesome!
Dromiceiomimus: ?
T-Rex: Here there would be some ominous music - FOR WILL THE GIRL SURVIVE?
Utahraptor: Wait!
Utahraptor: The idea of a soundtrack to a life is a stupid idea. You're just going to come across a band of musicians that wants to follow you around?
T-Rex: 〚small〛 well, it -
T-Rex: 〚small〛 - um
T-Rex: 〚small〛 it's not like they wouldn't get paid
T-Rex: 〚tiny〛 *sob*