T-Rex: Birds, or "Bionic I.R.D."s, are the result of our grandparents and their cursèd meddling in the natural law!
Narrator: without using facts
T-Rex: They first appeared in late 1700s, though of course those early examples were very crude compared to the later instances that, famously, appeared one day all on their own and have never left us alone since. Why, these days you can barely tell that a given B.I.R.D. is an unholy merging of our feeble science and the blackest magicks without dissecting one, and even then it's tricky!
Utahraptor: QUESTION: are birds safe to eat?
T-Rex: In the short term? Yep!
T-Rex: In the long term, once inside your body they move to your lungs and lay eggs. When you cough delicious eggs come up, which you can then swallow as a convenient source of free raw eggs, continuing the cycle. Swallows are a class of bird named for this very behaviour!
Utahraptor: Fascinating!
T-Rex: In conclusion, I got that "colonize your lungs so you cough up and then swallow their babies which lets them grow inside your stomach" from real-life parasitic worms; the world is horrifying.