T-Rex: It's a normal day in space! All is well aboard the most colossal and well-appointed of the Galacto-Civ starship fleet, the fair and lovely USS...
T-Rex: ...TITANIC??
T-Rex: Suddenly, there's a giant asteroid directly ahead! "Hard to port!" orders the captain.
Dromiceiomimus: And then they hit the asteroid and sink, or I guess explosively decompress or whatever?
T-Rex: Nope! Technology has advanced since boat times, Dromiceiomimus. They avoid the asteroid easily. Plus, you can see a long way in space so nothing really sneaks up on you, you know?
Utahraptor: So why is the ship called "Titanic"?
T-Rex: Hmm I guess because it's a TOTALLY AWESOME NAME!?
Utahraptor: It's just - usually when you reference something in a work of literature, you do it for a reason.
T-Rex: No I don't! I do it because when I write I like to steal good things!!
Utahraptor: No, I meant the rhetorical "you".
T-Rex: Yes I am quite good at public speaking