T-Rex: Two people decide that they've got some genitals they're not using right now, and that THIS, my friend, is kind of a waste!
T-Rex: So they agree that it's time to sex, and then they go away and we all wonder what's going on! But not for too long because one comes out and says "We're gonna 'do it'" and we all go "Ohhhhh" and then they come back again and say "That means we're gonna have sexual intercourse" and the last person goes "OHHHHH." He's the slow one.
Dromiceiomimus: OHHHHH.
Utahraptor: Then what happens?
T-Rex: Then we cheat! WE CHEAT BIOLOGY ITSELF.
T-Rex: Millions of years of evolution made sex feel amazing and be super hot so we'd do it all the time and make babies! But we use birth control and have awesome fun times WITHOUT a lifetime of parental responsibility. Take that, evolution! Take that, biology! Take that, ADULT RESPONSIBILITIES!!
T-Rex: I'd now like to address my body directly for a moment. Thanks for teaming up with science and being SO AWESOME, my body. Seriously: thanks bro.
Off panel: *ahem*
T-Rex: Some thanks go out to the bodies of everyone else too I GUESS