Narrator: IT'S LATE AND YOU'RE HOME ALONE a web card
T-Rex: Wow! The whole place to yourself, huh? And it's really dark out too!
T-Rex: When you got home, did you check out every room?
T-Rex: Wouldn't it be super weird if one of the rooms you didn't check had an axe murderer in it?
Dromiceiomimus: Man, that'd be SO WEIRD! I'm glad I'm not home alone right now, where nobody will check on me for hours and hours.
T-Rex: I know, right? Wouldn't it be EVEN WEIRDER if you glanced out the window and saw the silent motionless silhouette of someone just - watching you?
Dromiceiomimus: That'd be THE WEIRDEST!
Utahraptor: Even better - imagine if, just as you were reading this, the power cut out?
T-Rex: Oh man! So weird!
T-Rex: And then, while you were still stunned by the sudden darkness, you heard the sound of glass breaking?
Utahraptor: Ooh! Or the sound of fists pounding on your door, and then the unmistakable sound of splintering wood!
T-Rex and Utahraptor: Sooo weird!
T-Rex: If I were the recipient of this card, I would DEFINITELY be exploring these scenarios in my imagination right now!! Nothing else to do when you're home alone, right?
T-Rex: Yep!
T-Rex: Nothing to do but wait!