T-Rex: With the right clothes, you can dress up fancy; you can look both super attractive AND ultimate sexy.
T-Rex: Hello? Why aren't we wearing these clothes all the time??
Dromiceiomimus: For one, they're expensive! And even if you get a deal, clothes that work perfectly on you are more rare than clothes that look just kinda okay, and there's only so many hours in a day to look at and think about clothes.
T-Rex: I supp-
Dromiceiomimus: Also, some clothes that make you look awesome are uncomfortable, so you wouldn't want to wear them all the time!
Utahraptor: Plus, if we dressed up fancy all the time, what would we do for special occasions?
T-Rex: Fancy moust-
Utahraptor: And finally, this whole discussion is ridiculous because some folks DO dress up fancy all the time. You know what we call them? WELL-DRESSED.
T-Rex: I call them "hey there hot st-
Utahraptor: And variety is important too: well-dressed folks are helped by the casual dress standard.
T-Rex: 〚thinks〛 Frig, my friends spoke the whole time! They talked all over me and didn't let me speak at all!
T-Rex: 〚thinks〛 Huh!
T-Rex: 〚thinks〛 So THAT'S what that feels like