T-Rex: "My ultimate baby", by me, T-Rex.
T-Rex: *ahem*
T-Rex: My ultimate baby is kinda okay, I guess!!
T-Rex: It's not too fussy and it's toilet trained super early. Oh! ALSO, it's one of those super genius babies that learns how to speak in a few months and has a fully developed personality.
Dromiceiomimus: Those don't exist; T-Rex, those are movies.
T-Rex: Oh, I'm sorry! Are you suggesting I shouldn't even dream as big as the producer of a TALKING BABY MOVIE??
Utahraptor: Okay, so you've got a talking baby.
T-Rex: Yes! And it's sassy!!
T-Rex: And it's solving all my problems. It's sitting me down at night saying "Look, T-Rex, here's what you're doing wrong." and when I'm just at the point of hopelessness, it says "No problem, T-Rex. Here's how you fix everything." I - I love my ultimate baby.
Utahraptor: Too bad it doesn't exist, huh?
T-Rex: What -
T-Rex: What is there to say but "yes"?