T-Rex: Hummingbirds have to eat their weight in nectar every day or they DIE.
T-Rex: Hummingbirds: the MOST BADASS ANIMAL??
T-Rex: Oh wait, sorry, that "eat their weight in nectar" thing isn't actually true. They actually have to eat FIVE TIMES their weight in nectar every day or they die. That, my friends, is BAD to the ASS to the DEFINITELY TRUE.
T-Rex: Man, those guys are living the dream! If I eat even ONE time my weight I'm dead for sure. Stomach exploding disease, Dromiceiomimus!
Utahraptor: The downside is they're always just a few hours away from starving to death!
T-Rex: That's even MORE badass!
T-Rex: If you've got only a few hours to live then YOU, Utahraptor, are a bird with nothing left to lose. Holy crap. You know those religions where you can come back as different animals?
Utahraptor: ...Yes?
T-Rex: Is there one where you get to CHOOSE your animal? Because I'd be all over "hummingbird"!
T-Rex: Or "mechagodzilla".
T-Rex: Or "a new sort of animal that's like a T-Rex except it can eat more and live forever".
T-Rex: *sigh*