May 26th, 2009 
americans: your systems of measurement confuse me and are crazy, so when you see "kilogram", "litre" and "Celsius" in this comic just think "2.2 pounds", "33.8 fluid ounces" and "hey pretty much everyone else on the entire planet uses a way less arbitrary system for measuring temperature, so huh, that's weird"

The haps: Braid is a platforming puzzle game that came out last year to high acclaim, but I only played it yesterday when I realized the PC version was out! It's a fantastic game in which you manipulate time in a variety of ways to collect literal pieces of a puzzle. The art is done by David Hellman, who you may recall as the artist on the late great A Lesson Is Learned, But The Damage Is Irreversible, one of my all-time favourite comics. The game sings with David's art, which is perfectly matched to the story. The last level (unlocked when you solve all the puzzles) is the perfect coda to the game, and is the best ending to a game I've seen since Portal. Highly recommended! There's a free demo available on Steam and the full game is only $15. :0

– Ryan

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