T-Rex: You know what? Maybe Leibniz is right and we're all doing pretty okay. Maybe this IS the best of all possible worlds!
T-Rex: Except for the fact that ice cream costs more than vegetables!
T-Rex: And except for the fact that WAY more people on the face of this planet care about the economy than they do about buying me presents.
Dromiceiomimus: And except for the fact that we can't just decide to stop making mistakes.
T-Rex: THAT, and except for the fact that entropy is always increasing and in the end all life in the Universe will be still, dead and frozen forever.
Utahraptor: But maybe in the best of ALL possible worlds, you don't exist!
T-Rex: Oh, wow. Maybe!
T-Rex: How depressing would it be to know you're part of the reason things aren't perfect? To look in on the best of all possible worlds and notice you're not there.
Utahraptor: Exactly! But maybe this is the best possible world for YOU, personally. Maybe this is as close to heaven as you'll ever get!
T-Rex: I'm SO GLAD we named it Frigday instead of "Friday"!
Off panel: We followed the Germanic roots of the goddess Frigg's name instead of the English ones!
T-Rex: Attention, naked and sexy (yet non-exploited!) members of the attractive sex! I KNOW