T-Rex: Anyone can make up a word! You can just say "yally-teep" means something, and if enough people agree with you, you got yourself a word! It's so easy, it's SUSPICIOUS...
T-Rex: ...suspicious that I haven't invented any words lately, that is!!
T-Rex: For the best odds, your word needs to fill a GAP that's otherwise missing in the language. And for this, the ENLIGHTENED word-inventor turns to other languages, to see what concepts exist THERE but not in ENGLISH! Sort by frequency, and hey presto: you have your best definitions of what "yally-teep" could - and SHOULD - mean!!
Utahraptor: So have you done this?
T-Rex: Kinda!
T-Rex: I started with French, where "je t'aime" can mean both "I like you" AND "I love you". So clearly French needs an unambiguous way to say "I like you but don't want to kiss on you", so that's what "yally-teep" means now. If you're French you can say "je te yally-teep" and you're good to go.
Off panel: Do you even know any French speakers to tell this to? Because otherwise this seems... LESS than futile.
T-Rex: Utahraptor!
T-Rex: Right now, je ne te yally-teep pas??