Narrator: a web card
T-Rex: Dear recipient of this comic:
T-Rex: You and whoever sent this card to you TOTALLY have a history together!
T-Rex: That's pretty intriguing, isn't it? What sort of history? Did you use to date? There's a lot I don't know about your history.
T-Rex: Maybe it's one-sided! Maybe you don't even know who the sender is! Maybe he's this guy and HE thinks you have this history and YOU don't know him from Bob!
Utahraptor: Maybe we should be more sensitive here, T-Rex!
T-Rex: YES. Good idea!
Utahraptor: Besides, maybe the sender understands that you've both hurt each other in the past, but you're still friends and he's glad for what's happened, bad stuff and all. He knows you well and he's happy for that, and he cares for you in a way that's special and unique to you, history and all.
T-Rex: Aww!
T-Rex: Anyway! Enjoy your failed relationship(s)!