T-Rex: I am a dude who came across a suitcase full of old love letters I got in high school. Sweet!
T-Rex: That's right, ladies! I'VE got a HISTORY!
T-Rex: I'd completely forgotten about these letters, and it was really cool to re-read them now with older, less hormonally-charged eyes! We were crazy kids struggling with feelings we didn't fully understand. It was charming! Also, and I, um, I don't pretend to understand this, but there's one letter from each girlfriend where, without exception, she's drawn the two of us, she and I, as Batman and the Joker.
Utahraptor: Hah! How many girlfriends were there?
T-Rex: I refuse to say!!
T-Rex: But I assure you that for whatever reason, each of them saw it fit to render a copyright-infringing vision of a universe where we live the astonishing dreams of Finger and Kane.
Utahraptor: That's really odd, isn't it? What do you suppose it means?
T-Rex: Man! I think that's pretty obvious!
T-Rex: Everyone I've ever kissed is AWESOME!