T-Rex: Time to check up on that utopian society I founded! I bet everything is totally perfect there in Utopia Land.
Narrator: SOON:
T-Rex: They MOVED?!
T-Rex: My utopian society moved, Dromiceiomimus! They moved away!
Dromiceiomimus: What do you mean?
T-Rex: Just that! They packed up everything they could and moved somewhere else, and it's not somewhere nearby! They clearly thought things would be more utopic if they moved further away from ME. Argh! I hate those guys so much right now!
Utahraptor: But maybe they didn't move, T-Rex! Maybe they just DISAPPEARED!
T-Rex: Huh?
Utahraptor: They're a utopian society, right? But the term "utopia" is a neologistic pun in Greek! There, depending on how the word is pronounced ("eu" or "ou"), it means EITHER 'good place' OR 'no place'. In English the "u" handles both these sounds, so 'utopia' actually contains both these meanings!
T-Rex: That's ridiculous! They didn't phase out of existence for the sake of a pun. You're just using this as an excuse to cram an etymology lesson in where it doesn't belong!
T-Rex: Colour me impressed!