T-Rex: When I was younger, the COOLEST THING was to go your own way! Screw corporations! Stick it to the man!
T-Rex: Let no man remain unstuck!!
T-Rex: But now people build their identity AROUND buying into a corporate culture! Ask them who they are and they'll proudly say they're, for example, a Youtuber. There's no more corporate identity than to literally describe yourself via a product you use!
Utahraptor: Culture changed, T-Rex! You just didn't change with it!
T-Rex: Interesting!
T-Rex: So what's better: to hold fast to opinions I had 20 years ago, or to move with the times, adjusting my core beliefs so they're always on trend? And if I do, can I really call them "core beliefs"? Do I even HAVE a part of me that IS me, forever inviolable, forever unchanging??
T-Rex: 〚thinks〛 I will ALWAYS enjoy eating fried chicken parts in the company of an equally ravenous pretty lady.
T-Rex: Okay PHEW