T-Rex: Okay everyone who's dated a musician has secretly OR PUBLICLY wondered if they're going to get a love song out of the relationship, yeah?
T-Rex: Like we can all just admit it now??
T-Rex: But it's a scam because I don't think I've EVER heard a love song that was UNAMBIGUOUSLY about someone.
Dromiceiomimus: You kidding, man? Going down the list of lady names is like going down a list of songs. Brandy, Mandy, Jolene, Billy Jean, Gloria, Layla, Cecelia, Miss Molly, E. Rigby, the list goes on...
T-Rex: But those could be about ANY woman with those names!
Utahraptor: I see what you're saying!
Utahraptor: Since these songs are designed to be UNIVERSAL - allowing the listener to see themselves in the relationship - they lack specificity.
T-Rex: Exactly!! Give me a song like "We met on March 15th 2014 and your mom's maiden name was Boris / Your social insurance info is in the chorus!"
Off panel: Might as well throw in her first pet's name and the street she grew up on in there too.
T-Rex: If I can't steal your identity after hearing a song, THE SONG'S NOT ABOUT YOU