T-Rex: "Life is a neoclassical pastiche"!
T-Rex: This is gold!
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus, would you agree that life is a neoclassical pastiche?
Dromiceiomimus: I would not, as I think you couldn't even define what a neoclassical pastiche is, my friend.
T-Rex: Well Dromiceiomimus, I think it's pretty clear.
T-Rex: Ah, yes indeed! Life is a neoclassical pastiche, and I, a great philosopher!
Utahraptor: No you're not!
Utahraptor: And you should stop saying that, because saying life is a neoclassical pastiche is ridiculous, and nobody agrees with you.
T-Rex: Oh yeah? Let's put it to the public, shall we?
Utahraptor: Fine! Let's do it right now!
Off panel: Excuse me! Everybody? Would you say it's true that life is a neoclassical pastiche?
T-Rex: Somebody say yes!