T-Rex: I submit that there are a finite number of songs! Therefore, the art of writing music is the art of exploring a closed space of possibility.
T-Rex: Consider the following!
T-Rex: There are effective limits on what constitutes music. If we take a week as a very generous upper-bound on the length of one song, then we have a temporal limit. Furthermore, since our ears are not able to distinguish between very similar tones, we do not have a continuum of notes, but rather, a finite set. Therefore, there are only so many songs that can be written!
Utahraptor: I am forced to disagree with you, my friend!
T-Rex: Surely not!
Utahraptor: I think that you're omitting many dimensions of song. What about the way it's played, the lyrics? These too can be varied almost indefinitely.
T-Rex: Almost, but there are still effective limits, therefore: finite number of songs!
T-Rex: Or are there?