T-Rex: Imagine a world where everyone lives in peace, harmony, and you know all the bad stuff that's happening that's really annoying and bad? Yeah: that doesn't happen here. How is this wonderful world possible? The answer is simple:
T-Rex: ...we have been replaced as the dominant species on the planet!
T-Rex: A mass extinction has killed us all, and when life struggled from the ashes of our world and re-evolved to fill the now-empty niches, it took a vastly different form! I mean, obviously physically they're identical to us - PLEASE, these bodies RULE - but mentally they're just way better. They're kind, caring - perfect, really.
Utahraptor: And so Earth is a utopia?
T-Rex: Absolutely!
T-Rex: These NEW dinosaurs can do what we never did, Utahraptor, and under their enlightened stewardship the planet becomes its best self.
Utahraptor: I dunno man, this kinda just sounds like the standard fantasy of "what if reality, but nobody sucks".
T-Rex: And that's a bad thing??
T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: What if indeed, my friends