Off panel: T-Rex, you should watch this movie! It's so bad it's good!
T-Rex: Wow!
T-Rex: I didn't know adjectives suffered from overflow errors!!
T-Rex: We live in a world where it's possible for a thing to be SO MUCH that thing that it can flip over and become the opposite thing. Has anyone explored this property?? Perhaps as a power source?
T-Rex: Could I find an item or items that are SO INCREDIBLY UNSEXY that they're... EROTIC??
Utahraptor: I mean, a lot of people are turned on by boring things! Like FEET.
T-Rex: Explain!
Utahraptor: They're literally just feet, right? But some people are BIG INTO FEET.
T-Rex: That's true! I myself HAVE sexed up people with feet, but their feet were incidental! Like, if they took their feet off before sex I wouldn't be disappointed at all. This'd be me:
T-Rex: Oh wow! Bodies can DO that??