T-Rex: I think it would be nice if I gave presents to people, once a year! Furthermore, it would be nice if I did this on a set day.
T-Rex: I will call this day "Dinosaur Present Day, Featuring T-Rex"!
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus, did you know that Dinosaur Present Day, Featuring T-Rex, is coming up?
Dromiceiomimus: How can Dinosaur PRESENT day be coming up?
T-Rex: Ho ho ho, I get it. No, "present" as in the gift!
Dromiceiomimus: Ha ha ha!
Narrator: LATER:
Utahraptor: You're going to be giving out presents, T-Rex?
T-Rex: I am!
Utahraptor: Awesome! What am I getting?
T-Rex: It's a surprise!
Utahraptor: Is it a... DOG?
T-Rex: No.
Utahraptor: Is it a... SANDWICH?
T-Rex: No!