T-Rex: Everyone (including me) is an end in himself: not a means to an end for others!
T-Rex: This means that I should exist for my own sake, neither sacrificing myself to others, nor sacrificing others to myself! The pursuit of my own rational self-interest, and happiness, is the highest moral purpose of my life!
T-Rex: If I must deal with others, it should be as TRADERS, in a pure capitalist system. No charity! No sympathy! Just business, an exchange of value for value.
Utahraptor: But where does love fit into this system of Objectivism, T-Rex?
T-Rex: What do you mean?
Utahraptor: Well if everything is viewed as a business arrangement between traders without charity, then how can you have love? Love is selfless.
T-Rex: Nope! Love is selfISH. You see value in someone, and they see value in you! You want access to this value, so you arrange a spiritual exchange.
T-Rex: Hey, that rhymes!