August 16th, 2011: On Thursday I mentioned @dinosaurcomics for comics updates and
@qwantz for chatting with T-Rex, where he'll reply with a random line of dialogue from the comics. In the time since then the internet has invented @qwantzshrink, an Eliza bot which psychoanalyzes @qwantz! And since they both reply to mentions, they go back and forth FOREVER.
In summary, a fictional character I made got turned into a computer program, and now another computer program exists solely to psychoanalyze it. If you wondered what being a cartoonist in the year 2011 is like I hope that last sentence answers some questions for you! IT IS AWESOME.
(I also discovered @cephalopods is new this weekend too but they are TOO CREEPY.) One year ago today: "I finally only woke up when I dreamt about a man who dared to call himself... Ryman? Ry... Ryland? Well, it's gone now. I'm sure it wasn't important." – Ryan