T-Rex: On their wedding day, my dad got cold feet, almost standing my mother up until someone talked some sense into him and he went back to the church and got married! He never told me who that person was, and today I realized the reason why:
T-Rex: You guys! It was probably ME!
T-Rex: It all makes sense, Dromiceiomimus! My own existence is threatened, so I go back in time to the day my parents get married to ensure my own creation. I'M RESPONSIBLE FOR CREATING MYSELF. My parents get some credit too I GUESS, but seriously: how perfect is that??
Dromiceiomimus: Um... pretty perfect?
T-Rex: I'm totally looking forward to my time travel adventures, Dromiceiomimus!
Utahraptor: Who was it really who talked him into it: a friend? His father?
T-Rex: Utahraptor, please!
T-Rex: Which would you prefer: to have a best friend who, thanks to a stable time loop, has LITERALLY CAJOLED HIMSELF INTO EXISTENCE, or -
Utahraptor: - or a best friend who can tell interesting stories without making them science fiction author insertion epics?
T-Rex: Amazing!
T-Rex: You've somehow managed to say that like it's a bad thing!