T-Rex: Man, Dromiceiomimus, what if we were married?
T-Rex: Things would be so WEIRD!
Dromiceiomimus: Not really, T-Rex. We'd still be the same people!
T-Rex: Sure, but it's weird to imagine us married and acting exactly the same as we do now. I only see you once a day and then I'm off to talk to someone else - what does that say about our marriage??
Dromiceiomimus: That we're comfortable leading our own lives?
T-Rex: I still think it's weird to imagine marrying someone you already know!
Utahraptor: I do too!
Utahraptor: But it can be useful: if your reaction is "no way that person and I could be married!" then you can examine why you feel that way, and by doing so tease apart what you think is important in a marriage!
T-Rex: INTERESTING. Utahraptor, we can't be married because...
Off panel: ...yes?
T-Rex: ...because your hugs are not of the quality to which I've become accustomed OH GOD I'M SORRY I NEVER TOLD YOU YEARS AGO BUT THEY ARE TRULY NOT UP TO SNUFF