T-Rex: This situation with the Dromiceiomimus has raised some interesting romantic questions.
T-Rex: For instance:
T-Rex: What is love?
T-Rex: Is it nothing more than a convenience, a mere -
T-Rex: - oh!
Dromiceiomimus: Hi there, T-Rex! What's nothing more than a convenience?
T-Rex: Oh, hello there. Um, ha ha, you know what? I don't remember! Well, be seeing you!
T-Rex: Dear Lord!
T-Rex: This has got to stop!
Utahraptor: Trouble in paradise?!
T-Rex: Yes! I can't even vocalize my own self-obsessed musings because I'm suddenly afraid of what the Dromiceiomimus might think!
Utahraptor: Why is that bothering you? You've never cared what I think, you inconsistent bastard!
T-Rex: Don't judge me!