T-Rex: Could it be? Could it be true that the Dromiceiomimus has a crush on me?
T-Rex: One way to find out!
T-Rex: Oh, hey, D.! I was just stomping around here, you know, "stomping the old houses!"
T-Rex: Um
T-Rex: What are you up to?
Dromiceiomimus: Hi, T-Rex. What's gotten into you?
T-Rex: Ha ha, nothing of course!
T-Rex: So! Excuse me, please!
T-Rex: Holy cow... what a disaster!
Utahraptor: What was?!
T-Rex: Um... look, you can't tell ANYONE, but I think the Dromiceiomimus has a crush on me.
Utahraptor: The Dromiceiomimus? No way! I thought she broke it off with you, like, three years ago!
T-Rex: She did! But you don't understand!
T-Rex: She called me "lovely" yesterday!