T-Rex: The QWERTY keyboard layout - the one we all use - is inefficient!
T-Rex: And it's part of what causes us to make mistakes when typing!!
Dromiceiomimus: It's true, T-Rex! While the idea that QWERTY was DESIGNED to slow down typing is a myth, it's true that it's still inefficient. Just as an example, most words have vowels in them, but the only vowel in home row is "A" - which of course induces lots of unnecessary finger travel time.
T-Rex: Oh, neat!
Utahraptor: You - didn't know that?
T-Rex: I mean, while it IS always nice to find out you're right in ways you didn't expect, MY complaint is that open and close brackets are too close to each other, which is why I sent an email that read "hey I heard your dog died :)"
Off panel: Oof.
T-Rex: Yes. Well.
T-Rex: If an apology doesn't include a note that the apologizer campaigned for a new keyboard layout, how sincere can it be, really??