T-Rex: Okay, so the world is too hard for us to fully understand, right?
T-Rex: Well that's disturbing on a theological level but let's move on!!
T-Rex: But we CAN understand tiny parts: an accountant can expect, over a lifetime of study, practice, and exploration, to FULLY MASTER the art of accounting. They can know all that humans know about their small slice of the universe.
Dromiceiomimus: That's correct, my friend!
T-Rex: So if we have ENOUGH folks understanding tiny pieces...
Utahraptor: ...then they add up to a whole?
Utahraptor: It's a nice idea, but the problem is we'd then need to PERFECTLY understand each other for that to build towards anything, and honestly, I sometimes barely understand myself. I got up in the middle of the night yesterday to make a sandwich. Why? I cannot say.
T-Rex: Okay!
T-Rex: Utahraptor understands night munchies, who else is in