T-Rex: I've done some research on humans. Bad news, fam! Not a fan of these humans, fam!! TURNS OUT THEY'RE DISGUSTING, FAM!!
T-Rex: I also took up saying "fam" but maybe overdid it some, fam!!
T-Rex: Here's a fact: they shed about 0.03 to 0.09g of skin EACH HOUR. Which is not much, but you know how much that adds up to over their lifetime? 18 to 55 KILOGRAMS of DEAD SKIN. That's like a half a human right there. You keep a human, by the time they're done, they've shed ANOTHER half a human in DEAD SKIN all over the place!
Utahraptor: Nasty!
Utahraptor: Though I cannot help but wonder, as beings that are much larger than humans with a correspondingly larger amount of skin, what our skin-shedding stats look like. Are we as mad-nasty as the humans we discuss??
T-Rex: I've looked into it, Utahraptor!
T-Rex: As size increases, volume cubes while surface area merely SQUARES, so actually we are much less nasty by massty, proportionally, than any human!!
Off panel: Wow!
T-Rex: Yes, I hope you will join me tonight in pouring one out for those that are both wee AND nasty