T-Rex: You wouldn't give a child unrestricted access to the internet! It would quite clearly DESTROY THEIR BRAIN. And yet...
T-Rex: ...it occurs to me that the internet is where I spend most of MY time??
T-Rex: So there's a problem here. If the internet is so dangerous to happiness, security, and basic personality development, why am I spending so much time there? And if it IS good, actually, then why do I recoil from the idea of a kid browsing it however they want?? Why do I know in my bones that internet destroys the child??
Utahraptor: Man, we do the exact same thing with all sorts of things!
T-Rex: Explain!
Utahraptor: You're not allowed to drink booze when you're a kid, but when you're an adult you can drink all you want. We just want to ensure that you're RESPONSIBLE before you have unrestricted access to a thing that can be extremely harmful, but IN MODERATION can be at least a little fun.
T-Rex: My phone, which I feel naked without, is the first thing I look at in the morning and the last thing at night. I'm connected 24/7 and have not used the internet in moderation for almost two decades.
Off panel: True!
Off panel: But guess who's not drinking to excess!!