T-Rex: Let's say you want to be famous. You can look at the life of a famous person - no matter how you decided to define fame - for guidance!
T-Rex: Wow! Things sure worked out well for them, huh??
T-Rex: But there's an element of chance in ANY life, so before you decide that a given famous person is good to emulate, learn from, or even listen to, you need to do some TESTS. After all, they could be idiots who just got lucky!
Dromiceiomimus: How can you test this though?
T-Rex: You re-run their life again, tweak some variables, and see if they still end up famous!
T-Rex: This generates a PERCENTAGE fame rate: how often they end up on top!
Utahraptor: And you compare across people?
Utahraptor: Well, T-Rex, I see no flaws in your idea except that it literally requires time travel to work.
T-Rex: Not necessarily! It'll also work as soon as we can simulate our entire planet in a computer with 100% accuracy.
Off panel: And you'll use this incredible WORLD-CHANGING technology... just to have tangible proof that celebs you don't like are secretly lucky idiots.
T-Rex: My friend!
T-Rex: Run my life a million times and I will STILL never apologize for this!!