Narrator: SUZANNE from "SUZANNE"
T-Rex: She left the guy who claimed to "touch her perfect body with his mind" because he was creepy. It was a creepy thing to say, especially to a woman who fed you tea and oranges and asked for none of this.
Narrator: The Women Of Popular Music: WHERE ARE THEY NOW?
Narrator: part ii
Narrator: SALLY from "MUSTANG SALLY"
T-Rex: Once she realized the guy's complaints about "running [her mustang] all over the town now" referred to him wanting to control her sexual identity simply because he made a gift of a mustang to her in 1965, LITERALLY SEVERAL DECADES AGO, she ditched him. And she never did slow her mustang down.
Dromiceiomimus: Aw! Good for her.
Narrator: PEGGY from "PEGGY SUE"
T-Rex: Accountant, happily married.
Utahraptor: Glad to hear it!
Utahraptor: OH my GOD! Jolene, that was the one thing you were asked not to do! REALLY NICELY! IN SONG!
T-Rex: But that man was in turn taken by someone with even AUBURNER hair and a smile even MORE like spring!
Off panel: OH SNAP!
T-Rex: Yeah, the dude has a type but they're all working on their commitment issues