T-Rex: One day Amy died, and became a ghost. And then she was reunited with all her old pets, who had also died and become ghosts! She had a LIFETIME'S worth of dogs!
T-Rex: Things were working out great for ol' Amy!
T-Rex: At least until she remembered that the dogs she'd had while living were reactive dogs who didn't do well with others. She'd worked on training while they were alive and although they'd all made a lot of progress together, none of them were ever going to be dogs that enjoyed the company of other animals. And now she had eight of them around her at all times! There were constant fights between her pets!
Utahraptor: But ghosts stick around because of unfinished business, yes?
T-Rex: Yep!
T-Rex: Her ghost dogs had one job left: to protect Amy. She held her dogs, telling each that she was fine, that everything was fine. They were good boys. They were good girls. They were great dogs. And one by one, their lifelong task at last complete, her dogs settled into her arms, fell into a contented sleep, and slowly faded away.
T-Rex: When her last dog was gone, Amy too began to fade. Her final thought was that while she had no idea what was next for her, she was certain of one thing.
Off panel: What's that?